VMware and 3D acceleration on Intel graphics

After this blog has been dead for about two years, I will start with some technical stuff – at least when computers don’t work as expected, most times I know how to fix it.

Ok, lets move on to the topic of this post. Short time ago I was forced to do some stuff on windows again (EEKK — the word registration number still sends me cold shivers …). As I needed really working USB support (unfortunately Nokia thinks Linux is good enough for their hardware, but not for their customers computers), and I was unable to make it work neither in Xen (not at all) nor with KVM (unusably slow), I ended up with VMWare.

So, USB worked really nice, no problems at all. While I was there, I thought „let’s have a look at the 3D acceleration“. At a first glance, it looked quite easy – „upgraded“ the VMs version to 6.5, and ticked the option for „3D acceleration“ – TADA – „Failed to construct 3-D rendering backend. The 3-D features of the display card will be disabled.“

Ok, what’s wrong? After some digging in the log, I found these two suspicious lines:
mks| GLUtil_InstallExtensionLists: Missing required extension GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
mks| GLUtil_InstallExtensionLists: Missing required extension GL_EXT_framebuffer_object

Unfortunately, the Intel driver does not support these two OpenGL extensions – more or less.

Let’s have a deeper look into this. First, S3 texture compression. S3TC is a lossy texture compression used in many games, and it is mandatory for DirectX. Unfortunately, S3TC is covered by some patents, and although the decompression is handled by the hardware, a conformant OpenGL driver has to handle decompression and compression. As in many cases (most games ship with precompressed textures) only decompression is needed, which is handled by the hardware, there is a switch to force Mesa to report support of S3TC although it actually only handles one half – if you want to know more, force_s3tc_enable drirc are the keywords.

If you want to know more, or even want to enable compression as well, have a look at Roland Scheideggers‘ page.
As said, S3TC is covered by patents, so enabling compression is legally problematic. But there may be some hope, as S3TC is „owned“ by VIA, and they recently open sourced their Linux graphics driver, maybe we will even get S3TC out of that – at least, they could put compression under a liberal license, and still sell licenses to ATI/Nvidia/Intel (I still may have some dreams, don’t I?)

The other part is GL_EXT_framebuffer_object, shortly referred to as FBOs. These are really not supported by the Intel driver at the moment, but there the new memory managers come to the rescue, see this post.

Summarized, as soon as GEM has landed in the kernel tree (and/or in the downstream distributions), it should be possible to make it work. GEM should be available soon™, and S3TC can be worked around today.

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